Book A Life Coaching Session with Raylee Rice


Choose the coaching that best suits your needs. For Example, online Life Coaching service through zoom, in-person with Newcastle Life Coach Raylee based in Caves Beach or phone coaching.


 Monday Mindset Meditation

Join us for an enriching journey of self-discovery and inner transformation at our Mindful Meditations. Sessions are designed to empower you to increase self-confidence, reduce stress and anxiety, and cultivate inner strength and peace.

 What sets our sessions apart is the use of individual headphones for each participant, ensuring you have a perfect soundscape and a genuine connection to the meditation journey.

As you leave each Monday Mindful Meditation session, you can expect to feel a sense of inner tranquillity, renewed self-assurance, and a deepening connection to your inner self.


Book your next 45-60 minutes session.

Congratulations on investing in your personal and business growth. It's time to book your follow-up sessions. 

Please choose a time when you are free from distractions and ready to take the next step in your personal and business growth.

Submit your online Life Coaching Homework sheet and together we can examine what has worked well and what requires a little tweaking.

If on zoom, have your notes close to referring to.

The rituals & habits you are forming reflect in your results. Chat soon.

Book 45-60 Minute Weekly session

Book a Next 90-minute Fortnightly Session!

Congratulations on your commitment to fortnightly sessions. Your business and personal life continue to level up with each session and lesson learned.

Please complete your online HomePlay and Gratitude form and submit ready for our next session.

Every day, in every way, you are getting better and better. Imagine where you will be a year from now. 

Your consistent application to mindset coaching, business, health and relationship coaching transforms your life and as a result, you are now living your best life.


Book Initial 2-hour Life Coaching Session 


Congratulations on deciding to transform your life. 

In your first 2-hour session, we will take a helicopter approach to assess all areas of current life. We call this point A the starting point. 

By the end of your Life Coaching session, we have a clear plan forward to point B, homework for you to implement straight away and a vision of your life ahead.

You are not alone on this journey. I am with you to show you the way.

 Please complete your online form and submit it before your first session. Chat soon.

Women's Circle Caves Beach

Inner Strength Women's Circle 

Each time women gather in a circle together, the world heals a little more.

The circles of women around us weave invisible nets of love that carry us when we're weak and sing with us when were are strong.

Join us on the last Sunday of each month at sunrise. Meeting at Caves Beach or the Inner Strength Healing rooms.

Yes to Sisterhood

Inner Strength Healings

Welcome to the Inner Strength Healing Rooms. These transformational healings are for you when you are ready to move to the next level. NOTE: If you are new to ISC, please book a discovery call before booking.

Offerings include Hypnotherapy, Somatic Breathwork, Pranayama Breathwork, Private Meditation and Reiki.

Book My Healing Session

Break The Habit Of Being You ~ Meditation/Coaching Program.

In our upcoming five-week guided-meditation companion program, inspired by the wisdom of Dr. Joe Dispenza's book "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself," we're diving deep into the power of breaking old patterns and manifesting the life you desire through meditation.

Led by The Inner Strength Coach, Raylee Rice, we'll explore how unhappiness stems from habits that shape our personality. But personal growth requires shedding those habits, creating a new version of yourself, and harnessing meditation to shape your reality

Book Your Mat & Headphones


Complete your homework questionnaire at least 4-hours before your next session.