How To Achieve The Best Year Of Your Life
Jul 01, 2022
If you were sitting where you are right now in a year from now, telling me about the best year of your life, what would have you achieved? Give me all the details and don't leave anything out. Make it juicy, my friend. Remember, your body doesn't know the difference between a thought you are having and an experience you are living, have fun with this.
Being a future-focused life coach and mindset coach projecting my year ahead of time with gratitude has served me in my life. I want to teach you how to do that too.
Many people don't want to plan their year ahead of time as they are afraid of failing; hey, I get it, that was me too. We often get overwhelmed with the how of everything instead of the what. When doing this, we limit the many avenues to the desired results.
With all the kids heading back to school and the house is finally quiet, it is a perfect time to reflect on what you did in the previous year and what you want to do this year. It's time to think about the best scenario for this year. Where are you a year from now?
Think about who you will become and what you have accomplished this year.
Using the past tense, write about what you've done in the first person. For example, In the last 12 months, I've become a better supervisor/business owner. "I am more organised and have created a successful team." State precisely what you have accomplished. Add, an example of being more organised is ......
"I have doubled my income from this time last year, and I am so grateful I have achieved this because…." "I have shed the excess emotional baggage, let go of #self-sabotage and now have a #healthybody to match." I am grateful for this because now I have a clear mind and loads of energy and an example of this is...
There comes a time when the original reason you started to work towards your goal is not why you continue. An example of this is weight loss. Many clients began the Mind Your Health program to look better in their clothes. Within weeks, their personal growth goals and shedding limiting beliefs becomes the main drive, and weight loss is just a byproduct. Your mindset has shifted to something more profound, significant, and critical.
I recently completed an audiobook called The One Thing by Gary W. Keller and Jay Papasan, which I highly recommend. The book addresses the concept that you pick one thing to focus on to make everything else unnecessary or irrelevant. In the past two months, the one thing for me has been selling and relocating to Caves Beach. So my " one thing " with the house packed up and our move around the corner; has pivoted. My next "one thing" will be setting up the office.
Many people have an idea to create a business, sell a product/ idea, apply for a job or lose weight. And they are trying to find people, places and things to accept first. This is not the key to success, my friend. Buy the idea of it yourself first. Imagine all the outcomes you want to achieve; write them down as if they have already happened, and watch how you start moving by turning the ship. Your brain will naturally begin to recognise evidence and clues to the path of your success. It would help if you levelled up your mindset and confidence, burn the boats and be all in.
I am a business and a life coach in Australia. I have got you.
Are you ready to live your life by design, not by default?
Then, take charge and direct your energy into creating your dream life.
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Are you ready to live your life by design, not by default?
Then, take charge and direct your energy into creating your dream life.